[racket-dev] problem with require and frtime

From: Marijn (hkBst at gentoo.org)
Date: Thu Jan 19 04:46:37 EST 2012

On 18-01-12 17:47, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Wed, 18 Jan 2012 12:02:10 +0100, Marijn wrote:
>> I would expect both forms to work. This is a reduction of a different
>> problem possibly caused by these issues here.

So I tried to cut down my program to a reasonably sized test-case which
is attached to this email. model.rkt contains (what's left of) the model
macro, demo1.rkt contains a small model and a (require frtime). If you
do "racket demo1.rkt" then you get the following error:

model.rkt:30:17: make-entry: bad syntax in: (make-entry (= profit
(for/hash ((y years)) (values y (- (hash-ref income y 0) (hash-ref
expenses y 0))))) (years income expenses profit))

 === context ===

but if you comment the (require frtime) then the error goes away. I have
other code that tests this same simple-economy model with the
non-cutdown version of the model macro and supporting code and
everything seems to work fine.

Any idea what's going on here?

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