[racket-dev] new logo

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Thu Feb 16 01:30:29 EST 2012

11 hours ago, Michael W wrote:
> I'm no graphics designer but I've been playing with Eli's logo a
> bit. I went gradient-happy; sorry. [...]

I've added them to the sequence in my directory -- start from


and hit right to go in sequence.  (Also, the down key goes to the
plain original image.)

> Classic PLT:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/219506/racket-logo/circle1.png

(Oh, it looks like it works even with a circle there...)

> Flipped color (not too sure about this one):
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/219506/racket-logo/circle-bluewhite.png

I think that it's best to keep the paren and the lambda with the same
colors, otherwise the "R"-ness is not as obvious.

I have simplified the path, so there are very few points now.  (It
also improves the result a bit, but nothing that would be visible at a
screen-logo size and below.)  It's at


It's what gimp made up, which works fine in inkscape too.

An hour and a half ago, Neil Toronto wrote:
> Well, the API ain't public yet, but sho' 'nuff will be after I beat
> the stupid out of it.

[I had a fight with it for a while, trying to figure out why it was
rendering it as some weird drunk line... then I realized that there's
a difference between capitals and lower case symbols...]

The relevant parts are below, using the original names from the planet
logo since that's how I tried it.  

(BTW, it would be nice to have an option for `draw-path-commands' that
automatically fits the input into a 0,0--1,1 square, or something

(define continents-path-commands
  '((M 353.00 193.00)
    (C 400.67 188.33 478.00 207.33 501.67 273.67
       525.33 340.00 473.67 406.33 427.67 429.33
       479.33 420.67 588.67 342.67 558.56 255.00
       528.45 167.33 384.33 179.67 353.00 193.00)
    (M 406.67 557.00)
    (C 412.50 575.50 420.38 596.22 438.00 605.68
       455.00 616.75 515.66 610.64 518.55 605.09
       503.42 596.38 492.75 600.25 474.25 585.00
       464.25 577.50 459.25 559.50 452.25 539.75
       446.50 524.25 386.67 323.67 375.77 288.83
       364.87 253.99 356.67 230.67 334.33 209.67
       327.33 203.67 284.33 180.33 246.84 213.41
       278.67 206.33 298.67 213.67 323.87 289.35
       323.87 289.35 240.55 559.82 233.50 584.00
       226.45 608.18 230.16 607.90 254.17 608.77
       278.18 609.64 282.09 605.00 284.06 597.63
       286.03 590.26 344.00 351.00 344.00 351.00
       344.00 351.00 400.84 538.50 406.67 557.00)))

(define (continents-flomap color height)
  (define scale (/ height 32))
   32 32 (λ (dc)
           (send dc set-pen lambda-outline-color 3/8 'solid)
           (send dc set-brush color 'solid)
           (draw-path-commands dc
                               (scale-path-commands continents-path-commands
                                                    0.06 0.06)
                               -7 -9))

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

Posted on the dev mailing list.