[racket-dev] handin-server web interface... non-functional? and docs don't appear?
It looks to me like the handin server's web interface isn't currently working. I enabled the handin server with the https-server-port set to 7980, and got no response on that port.
Perhaps the larger mystery here is why it is that I just can't find the documentation for the handin server... searching for 'handin' and 'handin-server' produces no results, either locally or on the racket-lang.org.
And... now I'm even more confused. collects/handin-server/info.rkt doesn't have a scribblings entry. OTOH, Git suggests that it hasn't been changed in almost a year, and running 'raco setup handin-server' *does* emit this line:
raco setup: rendering: handin-server/scribblings/handin-server.scrbl
The larger question here, that I was trying to answer for myself, is whether the handin server's web interface will allow students to hand in via the web, for a class that I'm using that doesn't use DrRacket. I suspect the answer is no, but I thought I'd check it out first.
Any help appreciated.
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