[racket-dev] Removing Xexpr preference from Web Server

From: Nevo (sakur.deagod at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 29 03:41:54 EST 2010

Hi Jay:
  I have a question as to what you refer as "backwards incompatible".
  Will the old way (bytes response format) be workable since currently my
blog server is setup by using some libs from "untyped" from planet and I'm
not sure if this change will have any impact to those libs? Thanks,
regardless of that, this change looks great so I don't need to worry about
escaping and content insertion. Thank you!


On 27 November 2010 08:55, Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to remove the implicit preference the Web Server gives to
> Xexprs and the old esoteric bytes response format. This is backwards
> incompatible change, but I think it will make the server better in the
> long run as it will promote other HTML encodings, like the xml and
> html modules, Eli's new system, SXML, etc. I am interested in your
> opinion.
> -- Details --
> Everywhere that the server expects a "response" uses the response/c
> contract
> http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/web-server/http.html#(def._((lib._web-server/http/response-structs..rkt)._response/c))
> This allows the native HTTP response data structures, Xexprs, and
> lists that start with bytes (the MIME type) where everything after is
> a byte string or normal string. [I have no idea where that last thing
> came from, but it was in the legacy server and I've kept it
> compatible.]
> In addition to backwards incompatibility, this could make Web
> programming a bit more verbose, because you'd have to explicitly call
> "make-xexpr-response" to construct the response from the Xexpr. I
> could ease that a little bit by changing its name to "xexpr" or
> something similar.
> Any ideas on the best way to deal with this?
> Jay
> --
> Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
> http://faculty.cs.byu.edu/~jay
> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
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