[racket-dev] Lines cs paras
I think you want to count paragraphs not lines (and leave space when
lines wrap). Otherwise the numbers won't match up with the error
On Wednesday, November 3, 2010, <rafkind at racket-lang.org> wrote:
> rafkind has updated `master' from c990d602b0 to 68c197f639.
> http://git.racket-lang.org/plt/c990d602b0..68c197f639
> =====[ 3 Commits ]======================================================
> Directory summary:
> 92.7% collects/framework/private/
> 7.2% collects/scribblings/framework/
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> 4a69c36 Jon Rafkind <rafkind at racket-lang.org> 2010-11-03 14:56
> :
> | use line locations instead of counting snips
> :
> M collects/framework/private/text.rkt | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> 7f56e67 Jon Rafkind <rafkind at racket-lang.org> 2010-11-03 15:09
> :
> | add line number interface documentation
> :
> M collects/scribblings/framework/text.scrbl | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> 68c197f Jon Rafkind <rafkind at racket-lang.org> 2010-11-03 15:15
> :
> | clean up line numbers code
> :
> M collects/framework/private/text.rkt | 172 +++----------------------------
> =====[ Overall Diff ]===================================================
> collects/framework/private/text.rkt
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --- OLD/collects/framework/private/text.rkt
> +++ NEW/collects/framework/private/text.rkt
> @@ -3707,17 +3707,25 @@ designates the character that triggers autocompletion
> showing-line-numbers?
> set-line-numbers-color))
> +;; draws line numbers on the left hand side of a text% object
> (define line-numbers-mixin
> (mixin ((class->interface text%)) (line-numbers<%>)
> (super-new)
> (inherit get-visible-line-range
> get-visible-position-range
> find-position
> + line-location
> line-start-position
> line-end-position)
> (init-field [line-numbers-color "black"])
> (init-field [show-line-numbers? #t])
> +
> + ;; maybe make this a configurable field?
> + (define number-space "10000")
> + ;; add an extra 0 so it looks nice
> + (define number-space+1 (string-append number-space "0"))
> +
> (define cached-snips (list))
> (define need-to-recalculate-snips #f)
> @@ -3739,153 +3747,37 @@ designates the character that triggers autocompletion
> (send style-list basic-style))])
> (send std get-font)))
> - ;; get the y position of a snip
> - (define (get-snip-y snip)
> - (define x (box 0))
> - (define y (box 0))
> - (send this get-snip-location snip x y)
> - (unbox y))
> -
> - ;; returns an ordered list of snip y positions
> - ;; the point is to get a list of snips positions that define
> - ;; where lines start. for snips that take up more than one
> - ;; line, like images, subsequent snips might be merged in with
> - ;; the line that the image sits on. if you have
> - ;; 2: II
> - ;; IIx
> - ;; Where the I's represent a contiguous image and the 'x' is just a letter
> - ;; then the 'x' snip shouldn't produce a line, it will be on line 2 along
> - ;; with the I image.
> - ;; To compute this we just test if the 'x' snip's y position is within the
> - ;; bounds of the I image [I.y, I.y + I.height]. It might look like we should
> - ;; test if the entire bounds of the 'x' snip is within the bounds of the image,
> - ;; that is test the height of 'x' too, but the bottom of 'x' might be below
> - ;; the bottom of I. In that case they are still considered to be on the same
> - ;; line, so we only consider the top of 'x' (its y location).
> - (define (snip-heights snip dc)
> - (define-struct snip-size (start end))
> - (define (get-size snip)
> - (define x (box 0))
> - (define y (box 0))
> - (send this get-snip-location snip x y)
> - (define width (box 0))
> - (define height (box 0))
> - (send snip get-extent dc (unbox x) (unbox y) width height)
> - (make-snip-size (unbox y) (+ (unbox y) (unbox height))))
> - ;; size2 can be merged into size1
> - (define (can-merge? size1 size2)
> - ;; just consider the top of the second snip
> - (and (between (snip-size-start size1)
> - (snip-size-start size2)
> - (snip-size-end size1))
> - ;; and ignore its bottom
> - #;
> - (between (snip-size-start size1)
> - (snip-size-end size2)
> - (snip-size-end size1))))
> - ;; merge snips heights together for when snips span multiple lines
> - (define (merge-sizes sizes)
> - (match sizes
> - [(list size1 size2 rest ...)
> - (if (can-merge? size1 size2)
> - (merge-sizes (cons size1 rest))
> - (cons size1 (merge-sizes (cons size2 rest))))]
> - [else sizes]))
> -
> - ;; get a list of all snips, sort them, merge them
> - (let loop ([all '()]
> - [snip snip])
> - (if snip
> - (loop (cons (get-size snip) all) (send snip next))
> - (map (lambda (size)
> - (snip-size-start size))
> - (merge-sizes (remove-duplicates
> - (sort (reverse all)
> - (lambda (a b)
> - (< (snip-size-start a)
> - (snip-size-start b))))))))))
> -
> - ;; not used, just for testing
> - (define (show-all-snips dc)
> - (define snip (send this find-first-snip))
> - (newline)
> - (define (next snip)
> - (when snip
> - (define x (box 0))
> - (define y (box 0))
> - (send this get-snip-location snip x y)
> - #;
> - (printf "Snip ~a at ~a,~a\n" snip (unbox x) (unbox y))
> - (next (send snip next))))
> - (next snip))
> -
> ;; a <= b <= c
> (define (between low what high)
> (and (>= what low)
> (<= what high)))
> - ;; finds the first item in the sequence for which `ok?' returns true
> - (define (find-first sequence ok?)
> - (define-values (more? get) (sequence-generate sequence))
> - (let loop ()
> - (if (more?)
> - (if (ok? (get))
> - #t
> - (loop))
> - #f)))
> -
> - ;; true if the `y' location is within the positions specified by the
> - ;; lines `start' and `end'
> - (define (ok-height y start end)
> - (define position (find-position 0 y))
> - ;; this is why we need some `break' ability in for loops
> - (find-first (in-range start end)
> - (lambda (line)
> - (define low (line-start-position line))
> - (define high (line-end-position line))
> - (between low position high))))
> -
> - ;; lazily reload the snip heights
> - ;; this isn't quite incremental but its better than recalculating
> - ;; on every redraw
> - (define/augment (on-insert start length)
> - (set! need-to-recalculate-snips #t)
> - (inner (void) on-insert start length))
> -
> - (define (get-snip-heights dc)
> - (when need-to-recalculate-snips
> - (set! need-to-recalculate-snips #f)
> - (set! cached-snips (snip-heights (send this find-first-snip) dc)))
> - cached-snips)
> -
> ;; set the dc stuff to values we want
> (define (setup-dc dc)
> (send dc set-font (get-style-font))
> (send dc set-text-foreground (make-object color% line-numbers-color)))
> - (define (draw-line-numbers dc left top right bottom dx dy)
> + (define (draw-numbers dc top bottom dy start-line end-line)
> (define (draw-text . args)
> (send/apply dc draw-text args))
> - (define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
> - (setup-dc dc)
> - #;
> - (define-values (font-width font-height baseline space)
> - (send dc get-text-extent "a"))
> + (for ([line (in-range start-line end-line)])
> + (define y (line-location line))
> + (when (between top y bottom)
> + (draw-text (number->string (add1 line)) 0 (+ dy y)))))
> +
> + ;; draw the line between the line numbers and the actual text
> + (define (draw-separator dc top bottom dy x)
> + (send dc draw-line x (+ dy top) x (+ dy bottom)))
> - (define heights (get-snip-heights dc))
> + (define (draw-line-numbers dc left top right bottom dx dy)
> + (setup-dc dc)
> (define start-line (box 0))
> (define end-line (box 0))
> (get-visible-line-range start-line end-line #f)
> - (for ([y heights]
> - [line (in-naturals 1)])
> - (when (and (between top y bottom)
> - (ok-height y (unbox start-line) (add1 (unbox end-line))))
> - (draw-text (number->string line) 0 (+ dy y))))
> - ;; draw the line between the line numbers and the actual text
> - (define line-x (text-width dc "10000"))
> - (send dc draw-line line-x (+ dy top) line-x (+ dy bottom))
> - )
> + ;; draw it!
> + (draw-numbers dc top bottom dy (unbox start-line) (add1 (unbox end-line)))
> + (draw-separator dc top bottom dy (text-width dc "10000")))
> (define (text-width dc stuff)
> (define-values (font-width font-height baseline space)
> @@ -3904,11 +3796,11 @@ designates the character that triggers autocompletion
> (when show-line-numbers?
> (if before?
> (let ()
> + ;; FIXME: Moving the origin and setting the clipping rectangle
> + ;; will probably go away when 'margin's are added to editors
> + ;;
> ;; save old origin and push it to the right a little bit
> ;; TODO: maybe allow the line numbers to be drawn on the right hand side?
> - (define number-space "10000")
> - ;; add an extra 0 so it looks nice
> - (define number-space+1 "100000")
> (define-values (x y) (send dc get-origin))
> (set! old-origin-x x)
> (set! old-origin-y y)
> collects/scribblings/framework/text.scrbl
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --- OLD/collects/scribblings/framework/text.scrbl
> +++ NEW/collects/scribblings/framework/text.scrbl
> @@ -1164,6 +1164,24 @@
> @defclass[text:searching% (text:searching-mixin text:backup-autosave%) ()]{}
> @defclass[text:info% (text:info-mixin (editor:info-mixin text:searching%)) ()]{}
> + at definterface[text:line-numbers<%> ()]{
> +
> + @defmethod*[(((show-line-numbers! (show boolean?)) void))]{
> +
> + Enables or disables line number drawing.
> + }
> +
> + @defmethod*[(((show-line-numbers?) boolean?))]{
> +
> + Returns whether or not line drawing is enabled.
> + }
> +
> + @defmethod*[(((set-line-numbers-color (color string?)) void?))]{
> +
> + Sets the color of the line numbers.
> + }
> +}
> +
> @defmixin[text:line-numbers-mixin (text%) (text:line-numbers<%>)]{
> @defmethod*[#:mode override (((on-paint) void))]{
> @@ -1180,6 +1198,11 @@
> Returns whether or not line drawing is enabled.
> }
> +
> + @defmethod*[(((set-line-numbers-color (color string?)) void?))]{
> +
> + Sets the color of the line numbers.
> + }
> }
> @(include-previously-extracted "main-extracts.ss" #rx"^text:")