[racket-dev] stepper UI question

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 26 21:00:37 EDT 2010

Yes, sorry.  1. I was hoping there would be a quick and uniform
answer, but there's not.  2. We've spent a lot of time pondering
how's, which is why I focused on where.

Robby, point taken, though when your program doesn't work as you
expect, you're likely using the repl a lot more.  Since the stepper is
intended to help with that debugging process, non-integration with
that is also a problem.


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 8:40 PM, John Clements
<clements at brinckerhoff.org> wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2010, at 5:23 PM, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
>> I know Guillaume proposed to do it in the context of the editor.  I'm
>> unconvinced that that's the right way to go.  At any rate, integrating
>> into an existing bit of infrastructure (def'ns or inter's) is going to
>> be much more complex than an "off-line" prototype that people can
>> critique.  So we should do that regardless.
>> You and Kathy raise good and interesting points.  This tells me that
>> there is not yet a good answer to *where* the stepper should run.  I
>> believe this is quite separable from *how* the stepper runs, ie, how
>> it displays the sequence of expressions.  Since I feel that is
>> currently the biggest problem with it, it seems wise that we focus on
>> the latter for now.  Once we make some real progress on that
>> high-order bit, we can see what percolates up.
>> Do others agree that this is the high-order bit?  If not (and perhaps
>> even if so), can you articulate why?
> I do agree.  Your original message seemed to be entirely focused on the *where* question, which I think is why it's what we've all been discussing.
> John

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