[racket] how to start a Web Application from a Server

From: Chrakhan Barzanji (chrakhan.barzanji at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Mar 20 14:47:42 EDT 2015

I have a dynamic web application, which i start with the below code. I
installed Racket on a VM and want to run the Racket WebApplicarion from
this virtual server which has an IP
but when I run the Racket-Program i get following message: Your Web
application is running at http://localhost:8080. Stop this program at any
time to terminate the Web Server.
this means the program  is running but how can i open the web application
with a browser! It can't be on localhost! I'm running it from the server
which i connect via VPN!
the serve/servlet:
(module+ main
   #:stateless? #f
   #:launch-browser? #f
   #:connection-close? #t
   #:quit? #f
   #:listen-ip #f
   #:port 8080
   #:servlet-regexp #rx""
   #:extra-files-paths (list static)
   #:servlet-path "/"
   ;#:manager mgr
   #:log-file "try-racket-serve-log.txt"))
p.s.: locally works every thing as it should be...but i want it to put the
Application on my server too!
please write me when you can't understand me!

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