[racket] text/font not rendering symbol fonts on WinXP

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 21 13:54:40 EST 2012

The text/font function ultimately just calls find-or-create-font with
the font details and then draw-string on the dc<%> with the string, so
I guess that this is either a problem at that level of the Racket GUI
system, or something that is just different about how Windows works
from other platforms. (Sorry I don't know the right answer here.)


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Clement Erik Ferguson
<clementraphael at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a newcomer to Racket and I ran into a problem with the text/font
> function in 2htdp/image. stamourv on #racket helped me diagnose this, and it
> seems to be a problem confined to Windows XP. When using text/font with a
> symbol font like Wingdings or Symbol (standard symbol fonts included with
> Windows) the character is not rendered. Instead, I get whatever the
> equivalent Roman character would be.
> For instance:
> (define testingfont
>   (text/font "012abc" 36 "black"
>              "Wingdings" 'default 'normal 'normal #f))
> If I then type testingfont into the interactions window, instead of
> rendering a series of symbols I get the input string 012abc instead. I also
> tried using 'symbol instead of 'default. We tried the same code on Debian
> (stamourv) and Ubuntu (me) and it worked fine on those platforms.
> I'm running Windows XP 32-bit, and I am using Racket 5.3.1.
> Thanks!
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