[racket] MysterX error message

From: Ben Goetter (goetter at mazama.net)
Date: Tue Nov 29 23:53:47 EST 2011

That is TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY, and it indicates a problem with the 
registered typelib (or lack thereof).  Precisely what object are you 
retrieving?  Are you using win32 mysterx, or win64? Is the retrieved 
object win32, or win64?

On 11/28/2011 1:37 AM, José Lopes wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am getting this error while using MysterX.
> "Failed to get direct interface for call to `Add', code = 80029C4A: 
> Error loading type library/DLL."
> The error happens in the following context:
> - I am retrieving a COM object through the com-get-property.
> - Then I am trying to invoke the method "Add" on that COM object.
> Can anyone help me?
> Regards,
> José

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