[racket] help: racket does not work

From: Eric Dobson (eric.n.dobson at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Nov 26 02:31:08 EST 2011

The GUI editor is called DrRacket and is included with the Racket distribution. It should be in the same folder as the racket executable/binary. If you are running it from the command line, it would be drracket. The racket executable is for running scripts and a command line repl.


On Nov 24, 2011, at 9:34 AM, Beenish Ayesha Akram wrote:

> Hi
> I just installed Racket but when I run it, I just see a command prompt. I can executes statements there but no GUI is shown as shown in racket tutorials. your help is highly appreciated. 
> waiting...
> Regards 
> Beenish
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