[racket] memory issues

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 20 07:39:27 EST 2011

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Eric Tanter <etanter at dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:
> New numbers with a fresh install of 5.2:
> starts 200MB
> open 5 buffers 230MB
> first scribble 300MB
> compile all buffers 450MB
> recompile first 530MB
> all again 580MB
> all again 650MB
> all again 620MB
> all again 680MB
> all again 700MB
> all again 720MB
> all again 660MB
> all again 690MB
> all again 710MB
> Interestingly, the numbers are around half of what I had yesterday with the old install.
> But the tendency is quite similar. A constant increase and then stabilize around 700MB (which yesterday was 1.3GB, causing troubles on my machine). The whole experiment was done in 20 minutes or so, leaving time in between compiles.
> Note that I have repeated the experiment of yesterday with the previous install, with very similar results (800MB after first compile of 5 buffers, 1GB after first recompile). In less than 5 minutes.
> This yields two (probably very naive) questions:
> - how come the previous install behaves this way? it's true I have activated online syntax check before, but it is now disabled. Can it have left an impact?

That seems unlikely.

> - why does compiling the same files again and again mean taking up more memory? are there caches or other data which DrRacket keeps hanging on to?

There are lots of caches at all layers of DrRacket down to Racket for
lots of different purposes. We try to keep them leak-free but it can
be hard to track down these bugs.

I know that's not actually helping you with the problem you're having.
I'm sorry that I don't have an answer for that (yet).


Posted on the users mailing list.