[racket] Off topic: OS X desktop

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue Aug 2 12:59:04 EDT 2011

On my machine, the apple menu has a system preferences menu item which opens
a window with a "desktop and screen saver" icon which has a "solid colors"
thing to click on. Does that not wok for you?


On Tuesday, August 2, 2011, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> Sorry for the off-topic question, but does anyone have an idea why an
> OS X machine refuses to change its desktop?
> (Clicking any image doesn't do anything.  I always have that "Aurora"
> which is colorful enough to make a VNC session painful.)
> --
>          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!
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