[plt-scheme] find out return type of a function in typed scheme

From: keydana at gmx.de (keydana at gmx.de)
Date: Sun May 16 13:00:03 EDT 2010

Hi Sam,

> What form of reflection would you want?  I don't think I'm going to
> give access to the internal type representation, since I want to be
> able to change that in the future.

I'd need the return type of a function, as I'm tagging objects depending on that. Right now I'm using a workaround, I'm evaluating the expression and then test the result for its type, but I wouldn't need this if I could find out the operator's return type.
I can get along with the workaround, only the other way would be more natural (if possible).
Would there be a way to offer this information by some "convenience function", not necessitating exposal of the internal representation? But really it's not that urgent, I was just asking to be sure I don't oversee it in the documentation :-;


> -- 
> sam th
> samth at ccs.neu.edu

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