[plt-scheme] Autotools integration

From: krustev.svilen at googlemail.com (krustev.svilen at googlemail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 11 09:53:16 EDT 2009

Hi Noel,

The Scheme source I have is just a separate utility which has to be packed  
together with the main project.
Initially I've gon the impression, that it has to be compiled and the  
produced executable should get into the package.

If I read you properly - the source should not be compiled, but rather  
distributed as a script?


On Aug 11, 2009 2:20pm, Noel Welsh <noelwelsh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just typing makefile.am into Google returns a load of examples. My

> understanding is that Makefile.am is turned in Makefile.in by

> automake. The Makefile.in used by PLT Scheme is here:

> http://svn.plt-scheme.org/plt/trunk/src/Makefile.in

> Maybe that will help, but I think your question is more about

> including Scheme source in a C++ project. You don't have to do any

> compilation on the source code, and installation is just copying to

> the correct directory (where correct is determined by how the code is

> require'd) so your Make rules should be very simple.

> HTH,

> N.

> On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Svilenkrustev.svilen at googlemail.com>  
> wrote:

> > Hi guys,

> >

> > I'm not a plt programmer - sorry if my question sounds stupid.

> > I have an .ss source which has to be included in a bigger C++ project  
> which

> > uses autotools. My understanding is that I have to create a Makefile.am  
> file

> > with the corresponding rules for compilation and installation.

> > So here is the question - are there any examples for such kind of  
> Makefile?

> > I've tried to search the web, but couldn't find much. Or maybe I'm  
> missing

> > the whole idea?

> >

> > Your help will be appreciated.

> >

> > Regards

> > Svilen

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