[plt-scheme] I want the old help desk back

From: Robert Bruce Findler (robby at cs.uchicago.edu)
Date: Tue Aug 27 11:11:35 EDT 2002

At Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:04:16 -0400, "Paul Steckler" wrote:
> > Speaking of frames: Dillo is on the list of Unix browsers, but it (as
> > of version 0.6.6) also doesn't support frames, so choosing *that* as
> > my default browser is also kind of a frustrating experience.
> That's probably a bad choice on the part of Dillo.

I added Dillo to the list since it was the only X-based browser
available via fink (the OS X package management system) for OS X.
Certainly a corner case :)

Also, for what it's worth, many of our problems ahve to do with the
network connection, not with finding the external browser, so using the
old Help Desk browser would only solve about half of the problems.


Posted on the users mailing list.