[racket-dev] Autosave recovery: lovely (though it does lead to an internal error...)

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Sun Oct 2 17:25:58 EDT 2011

Just saw the autosave recovery feature for the first time; super-nice.  It was immediately followed by an internal error that may or may not be repeatable, though it looks like a straightforward insertion of "path->string" will solve it.


set-label in control<%>: expected argument of type <string (up to 200 characters) or bitmap% object>; given #<path:/Users/clements/RSound/looper.rkt>

 === context ===
/Users/clements/plt/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:268:2: call-with-exception-handler
/Users/clements/plt/collects/framework/private/autosave.rkt:124:4: main
/Users/clements/plt/collects/drracket/tool-lib.rkt: [running body]
/Users/clements/plt/collects/drracket/private/drracket-normal.rkt: [running body]
/Users/clements/plt/collects/drracket/drracket.rkt: [running body]
/Users/clements/plt/collects/drracket/main.rkt: [traversing imports]

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