[racket-dev] speeding up 16-bit integer adds

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Thu Sep 23 23:35:54 EDT 2010

On Sep 23, 2010, at 7:55 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> I think the problem is that the `ptr-ref' and `ptr-set!' operations are
> slow. They are slow because they not yet inlined by the JIT, and
> they're not yet inlined because they have complicated APIs (including a
> "pointer" datatype with many variants).
> I haven't worked out a way to make them faster or a way to provide
> faster variants, but it's on my list.

Okay, thanks.  FWIW, my attempt to use the s16vector variants performs similarly; perhaps these primitives call the same code.

John Clements
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