[plt-dev] Re: [plt-scheme] SchemeUnit confusion

From: Dave Gurnell (d.j.gurnell at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jun 9 10:01:37 EDT 2009

Noel beat me to it but...

This is a fairly big problem for Untyped. We've spent a lot of time  
porting code to new versions of various libraries (the web server is  
the key one, although that's understandable given we're writing web  
apps), to get bug fixes in the core of mzscheme (continuations,  
threads, custodians etc).

Forced upgrades have a nasty habit of coming just before deadlines,  
when we stress test software and find it crashes for one reason or  

There's also the knock-on effect that we end up running different  
versions of PLT for different applications for different customers.  
We've partially dealt with this by writing a bunch of shell scripts  
that let us switch back and forth between PLT versions on our dev boxes.

FWIW, in the past we've always tried to stick fairly close to the head  
of PLT svn, which was not the best policy. We're now easing back from  
that, only upgrading when we have to, instead of when we simply like  
the look of a new feature.

-- Dave

> Thanks. I understand that but I find the probability of such
> scenarios low. Perhaps it's a lack of experience with planet
> libraries.
> Eli just told me that SU isn't a part of the release yet, so my
> assumptions were wrong, too.
> I think it should be a part of the release and I have told Eli so.

Posted on the dev mailing list.