<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>I want to write this:<br><br></div>(for/list ([b (in-range 256)])<br></div> b)<br><br></div>... and get back a list of bytes.<br><br></div><div>That is, I want TR to see that the number 256 is one greater than the largest byte, and therefore that b must be of type byte. I see that this dips way too close to undecidability in the general case, so I would instead perhaps expect to see something like an 'in-bytes-range' form that is known to produce only bytes.<br><br></div><div>I looked for such a thing, but didn't find it. Naturally, I could simply jam a run-time check in at the top of the body, something like 'ensure-bytes', but it seems unnecessary.<br><br></div><div>Am I missing something obvious?<br><br></div><div>Thanks!<br><br>John<br><br></div></div>