<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>I would like to install and use profj in Racket. It would be great if profj could work like it used to do in PLT 4.1. I downloaded the port by M. Flatt, and installed it thus:<br>
<br></div>raco pkg install profj<br><br></div>The tests worked well, but I could not make profj work in drracket. In fewer words, I could not define classes and test them in the repl. Something like that:<br><br></div>class Box {<br>
</div> int size;<br></div> Box (int s) {<br></div> size = s;}<br><br></div> int area() {<br></div> return size*size;<br> } }<br><br><br>=======<br><br></div>> Box bb= new Box(10);<br></div>> bb.area();<br>
100<br><br></div>How can I see profj in all its old glory?<br><br><br></div>