<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi friends,<br><br></div>Just a quick question on using Units -- I have one unit that imports a signature and appends a prefix, a la<br><br></div> (define-unit my-unit@<br>
</div> (import (prefix config: config-signature^))<br></div> (export my-unit^)<br></div><div> ;; implements my-unit^...<br></div><div> )<br><br></div>But when I attempt to invoke this after invoking a unit satisfying the dependency signature (above, `config-signature`), I get errors that it can't locate identifiers from the imported signatures.<br>
<br>I suspect this is to do with the fact that I'm invoking the dependency at the toplevel using define-values/invoke-unit/infer<span class=""></span><span class="">, per the Racket Guide, but a perusal of the Racket Reference suggests another method of invocation might be more suitable, since define-values is just exporting bindings to the global namespace, and here I'm referring to them by a prefixed form.<br>
<br></span></div><span class="">That said, I'm not entirely clear on what what value the `invoke-units` syntax returns, or what side effects invocation of a unit even <i>does</i> from reading <a href="http://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/invokingunits.html#%28form._%28%28lib._racket%2Funit..rkt%29._invoke-unit%29%29">the docs</a> (if it isn't defining bindings).<br>
<br></span></div><span class="">Any help would be appreciated! Thanks ^_^<br><br></span></div><span class="">-Paul<br></span><br></div>