<HTML><BODY>Trying to write documentation<br><br>---<br><pre class="language-lisp"><code class="undefined">#lang scribble/manual <br>@(require (for-label racket)) <br><br>@title{GObject Introspection} <br><br>This is Gobject FFI. <br><br>Usage example: <br><br>@racketblock[ <br>(gi-ffi gtk "Gtk") <br>(let <br> ([window (gtk 'window 'new)]) (window 'show)) <br>]<br><br>---<br><br>DrRacket writes in status line: +: contract violation expected: number? given: #f argument position: 1st other arguments...: 0<br><br>I push "Check syntax". The window hangs. To be correct, not window, but tab with the document. I still can work with other tabs.<br></code></pre>Racket 5.3.4, Linux<br></BODY></HTML>