<div dir="ltr"><div><div>I intend to use Racket for CGI. I can use the basic language without problem. For instance, the below program works perfectly well.<br><br>#! ./racket/bin/racket<br><br>#lang racket<br><br>;(require plot)<br>
(display "Content-Type: text/plain")<br>(newline) (newline)<br>(display "Hello from Racket!")<br>(newline)<br><br></div>However, when I remove the comment from ;(require plot) the server accuses an internal error. My guess is that Racket cannot find the plot library. Interesting enough is that basic racket works. Here is what I have tried:<br>
<br></div><div>1 -- Put a copy of collects in /home/<br><br></div><div>2 -- Put a copy of collects in /.racket/5.3.3/<br><br></div><div>3 -- Set the variable PLTCOLLECTS to the full path to collects<br><br></div><div>4 -- Set the variable PLTCOLLECTS to a relative path to collects<br>