Hi,<div><br></div><div>I created a github repo which has a few small files which I think demonstrate 0, 1 or 3 bugs in Typed Racket.</div><div><br></div><div>git clone git://<a href="http://github.com/RayRacine/iteratee.git">github.com/RayRacine/iteratee.git</a></div>
<div><br></div><div>The three potential bugs.</div><div>1. The show stopper is found at the very bottom of samples.rkt. </div><div>2. There is a something, I think, not quite right just above #1 also in samples.rkt. The inferencer appears to rashly and prematurely assume (Enumerator Integer A) here is (Enumerator Integer Integer).</div>
<div>3. Line 19 in iteratee.rkt is again the issue previously reported as a bug, where one perforce must explicitly expand the right hand side of the type alias (define-type (Iteratee D A) ...) in Continue struct: definition on line 19.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Poor a remuneration as it is, I promise to write a blog post chock full of superlatives on Typed Racket and Iteratees guaranteed to attract thousands, no millions of new Racket acolytes, if I can figure out how to get #1 above to work. : )</div>