Hi,<br><br>I would like to use scriblib/bibtex which looks like a wonderful tool, but I can't seem to have it work:<br><br>#lang racket<br>(require scriblib/bibtex)<br><br>(define-bibtex-cite<br> "biblio.bib"<br>
~cite citet generate-bibliography)<br><br>fails with:<br><br>../../usr/lib/racket- read-entry: Parsing entry, expected , or }, got #\return; label is "hochreiter_long_1997"; atag is "pages"; aval is "1735--1780" @ line 9 column 0 byte 219<br>
<br>The offending bib entry, which is the first in the file, is:<br>@article{hochreiter_long_1997,
<br> author = {Hochreiter, S. and Schmidhuber, J.},
<br> title = {Long {Short-Term} Memory},
<br> volume = {9},
<br> number = {8},
<br> journal = {Neural Computation},
<br> year = {1997},
<br> pages = {1735--1780}
<br><br>but all other entries I tested alone failed too.<br>I tried adding "," after the pages, after the last "}", change {} to "", but no success.<br><br>Do I use it incorrectly?<br><br>(Plus I'd like to use it in slideshow, if anyone has something for that...)<br>