Hi,<br><br>I'm having a long running discussion with my colleagues about the practically of scheme. I've argued that it is, and using Racket Scheme to prove my point. However, on the other side of the debate, I've noticed that Racket's string API is missing what I consider to be a extremely practical procedure - string-trim. This procedure is actually in srfi 13. While I can 'require' srfi13, I can't import it as is, because sfri-13's procedures overlap Racket's string procedures. I believe Racket's require feature allows me to just import those procedures I need from srfi 13, but I find that kind of awkward.<br>
<br>My question is, then, why would such a practical procedure missing from Racket's string API? <br><br><br clear="all">--<br>Chad<br><br>