While trying to scribble some documentation, I came across what seems to be a bug involving contracts and scribble's interaction form.<br><br>my-module.scrbl:<br><br>#lang scribble/manual<br>@(require scribble/eval)<br>
<br>When I introduce contracts into "my-module.rkt", the following lines...<br><br>@(define my-eval (make-eval-factory (list "my-module.rkt")))<br><br>@(interaction #:eval (my-eval)<br> (my-thunk))<br>
<br>... produces the error message: <br><br>namespace-attach-module: a different module with the same name is already in the destination namespace, for name: "C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\contract.rkt"<br>
<br>my-module.rkt:<br><br>#lang racket/base<br>(require racket/contract)<br>(provide/contract [my-thunk (-> void?)])<br>(define (my-thunk) (display (format "Hi there, Racket fans!~n")))<br><br>If I do not use contracts in my-module.rkt, then the scribbling works fine. If I do, then evaluating (my-eval) generates the error.<br>
<br>What up?<br>