<div>it's about 10 hours since I stuck at overlaying several images</div><div>(make only selected color to transparent)</div><div>could somebody give me an little advice?</div><div>just little hint about big picture would be very helpful for me.</div>
<div>please~~!</div><div><br></div><div>#lang racket/gui</div><div>(define base-dc (make-object bitmap-dc% (make-object bitmap% 320 320 #f) ))</div><div>(define m-canvas%</div><div> (class canvas%</div><div> (override on-paint)</div>
<div> (define on-paint (λ () (send (send this get-dc) draw-bitmap (send base-dc get-bitmap) 0 0)))</div><div> (super-new)))</div><div>(define color (make-object color% "red"))</div><div>(define f (new frame% (label "a")))</div>
<div>(define c (new m-canvas% (parent f)(min-width 320) (min-height 320)))</div><div>(send base-dc draw-bitmap (make-object bitmap% "./src/arena.png") 0 0 )</div><div>(send base-dc set-argb-pixels 0 0 288 256 (make-bytes (* 4 288 256)))</div>
<div>(send base-dc draw-bitmap (make-object bitmap% "./src/char4.png") 0 0 )</div><div>(send f show #t)</div><div><br></div>