<div>hello </div><div>there is little images(16x16) that cropped from other chipset</div><div>and I gether them and make an image which size is about 320 x 320</div><div><br></div><div>and I rotate it, but it is very very slow and blink alot</div>
<div><br></div><div>so I test basic polygon</div><div>it works perfectly, no delay, no blinking, even if when it grows big</div><div>the following code is tested</div><div>===================================================</div>
<div>#lang racket</div><div>(require 2htdp/universe)</div><div>(require 2htdp/image)</div><div>(define a (underlay (ellipse 10 60 "solid" "red")</div><div> (ellipse 20 50 "solid" "black")</div>
<div> (ellipse 30 40 "solid" "red")</div><div> (ellipse 40 30 "solid" "black")</div><div> (ellipse 50 20 "solid" "red")</div>
<div> (ellipse 60 10 "solid" "black")))</div><div>(define (dr n)</div><div> (overlay (scale (/ n 10) (rotate (modulo (* n n) 360) a)) (square 300 "outline" "blue")))</div>
<div>(animate dr) </div><div>===================================================</div><div>and I also tested with original image(neither cropped nor gethered) which size is about 200 x 200</div><div>it is very slow, and some times it doesn't working at all</div>
<div><br></div><div>1. is there anyway I can operate image faster as like other application? </div><div><br></div><div>and.. I still stuck at include image file when I create executable</div><div>I was told the way what I have to do (about 3 times)</div>
<div>but trivial error apear agian and again</div><div>could somebody please show me how to include image as relative path?</div><div>2. how to use bitmap and build-path function exactly for include image as relative path?</div>