Hi!<br><br>I have almost no experience with scheme, but I started a project just to test and play with the language.<br>I use lizorkins sxml library(?) to parse some xml files. However I have som truble with the way it uses variables in sxpath.<br>
<br>This code works: <br><br>(define (get-title doc)<br> (srl:sxml->xml<br> ((sxpath "books/book[$i]/title/text()")<br> (sxml:document doc)<br> '[(i . 1)])))<br><br>But this dosen't:<br>
<br>(define (get-title doc num)<br> (srl:sxml->xml<br> ((sxpath ""books/book[$i]/title/text()")<br> (sxml:document doc)<br> '[(i . num)])))<br><br>When
I debug the code I can se that i changes to num after the evaluation of
the xpath query, but I'm not sure if I use the debugger correctly since
I've only playd with it today.<br>
What am I missing? I know that I jumped on a project thats maybe a bit
to hard for my level but I like to learn that way and it often works,
but this time I'm stuck.<br><br>Sorry for the bad english, it's not my native language and I seldom write in it.