I don't know if I did something wrong or not, but this seems strange to me.<br><br>Using #lang racket, in the interaction window from DrRacket (DrRacket, version 5.0.1, english by PLT),<br><br>> (struct posn (x y))<br>
> (struct? (posn 3 4))<br>#f<br>> (struct-info? (posn 3 4))<br>#f<br>#t<br>><br><br>So (posn 3 4) is not a struct in racket? The same goes for define-struct. But<br><br>> (struct-constructor-procedure? posn)<br>
#t<br>><br><br>Usually how people define structure in Racket?<br><br>Cheers,<br>Frodo<br><br>