Hi all,<br><br>This is my first package:<br><a href="http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=lazy-doc.plt&owner=orseau">http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=lazy-doc.plt&owner=orseau</a><br><br>It is supposed to automate a good part of the process of creating Scribble documentation and building packages.<br>
It parses source files to generate .scrbl files automatically containing @defprocs, @defparams and @defforms.<br>Additional text and contracts can be easily added in-source, but it is different from the In-Source Scribble documenting, and hopefully simpler.<br>
<br>It is clearly far from perfect though and I am myself quite new to Scribble and packages... so feedback is greatly appreciated.<br><br>Hope this can be useful to some people.<br><br>Laurent<br>P.S. : apparently there is a non-blocking warning when installing the package that I hope to resolve soon.<br>