Howdy all,<br><br>I've got a project coming up that looks like it's going to require me to write some VB code in Excel. That is, unless I can put together a Scheme solution first :-).<br><br>I've made some progress with MysterX and scripting excel by following the example here:<br>
<a href=""></a><br><br>Here's what I have so far:<br><br>(require mysterx)<br>(let* ([excel (com-get-active-object-from-coclass "Microsoft Office Excel Application")]<br>
[book (com-invoke (com-get-property excel "Workbooks") "Add")])<br> (com-get-property book "Worksheets"))<br><br>What I'm stuck on, is that I believe Worksheets is an associative array, and I'm trying to get a hold of Sheet1. Or, as they say in perl:<br>
<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"> my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets("Sheet1");<br></div><br>I can get the value of the Worksheets property, but I can't index into it.<br><br>Essentially, I'm asking the same question raised here: <a href=""></a> - as next I need to figure out how to access ranges and other goodies.<br>
<br>Thanks for the help - and an especially big thanks if you get me out of coding in VB ;-)<br><br>-Ben<br><br>--<br>Have an idea for software? I can make it happen - <a href=""></a><br>
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