Hi, I try to code a game:<br>I have double buffer and I use thread for refreshing.<br><br>My method to refresh my canvas: <br>(define (start)<br> (set! PLAY #t) <br> (set! TH (thread (ë() (do () ((not PLAY)) <br>
(send my-canvas refresh) <br> (sleep/yield 0.001))))))<br><br><br>And now I have 4 class% :<br>ball (with x y dx dy timer%)<br>target% (just a bitmap)<br>
target-destroy% (my target become 3 pieces ( with dx dy ) of initial target bitmap to simulate a destruction when ball is close to target)<br>cannon% (72 bitmaps into a vector for rotation (my cannon follow my mousse))<br>
<br><br>Now my game has some slow-down !!!!!!!<br>maybe I must use more thread ? a specific bitmap-dc% for each class ? <br><br>(sorry for my english)<br>thanks!<br><br>