Hi,<br> I am reading SICP and i am at the start of chap-3.<br> I am using PLT-Scheme ver-4.0 .I ran into problem with <br> mutable pairs. it was giving error. So instead of using<br> set-car! i used set-mcar!, but then even to create list<br>
i have to create mutable list.<br> I have an older version also(ver-3.71). Is it a bad idea to<br> install older version or is there any other way out?<br> My main purpose is to do read SICP and do its exercise.<br> One more question, is there any other issues with <br>
PLT-Scheme in later chapters of SICP?<br> Please help. <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Thanks and Regards<br>Vinay Sachdev<br>