<div>Hey All,</div>
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<div>Consider the following MrEd code:</div>
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<div><font face="courier new,monospace"> (new button%<br> (parent controls) (label "Copy To Clipboard")<br> (callback (lambda (button evt)<br> (<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00">send the-clipboard set-clipboard-string "Hello World" 0</font>))))</font></div>
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<div>When I invoke this code as a stand alone .exe, it works as expected - Hello World shows up on the system clipboared.</div>
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<div>When I invoke this code inside DrScheme, it causes DrScheme to immediately crash (as in drscheme.exe dies).</div>
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<div>I'm running under Windows Vista - v372.</div>
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<div><br>-- <br>I'm so done with my commute. See what I'm up to now: <a href="http://www.ideas2executables.com">www.ideas2executables.com</a><br>The Blog: <a href="http://benjisimon.blogspot.com">benjisimon.blogspot.com</a><br>