Hi,<br>BACKGROUND:<br>i was trying to build a web application. I've done the following things - <br>1. built a .ss file that has an X-expression(no procedure definitions) - say First.ss<br>2. Set the action attribute of the form in this X-expression to another .ss file (
B.ss, same directory) ; using the the post method<br>3. created a file say B.ss, to process the request received from First.ss<br><br>now, on hitting submit in First.ss, the bindings in that form should be passed to B.ss ;
<br><br>QUESTIONS:<br>1.how do i receive and process the bindings received from First.ss in B.ss? <br>2.Is there any core procedure that can be used( examples like add.ss etc deal with 1 scheme file & they extract the bindings from the return value of send/suspend) & how should i structure
B.ss<br>3. Are there any examples for this<br><br>thanks <br>