I am happy to report that the newest SchemeUnit package seems to address the compilation problem that was breaking a fair number of other packages. Unfortunately there are some new issues. On my XP laptop:<br><br>typedscm.plt
<br>sqlid.plt<br><br>both fail to install, causing planet to consume all available memory (close to 1GB) then die without a sound.<br><br>Additionally it seems that contract-utils.plt has been packaged incorrectly. The plt does not contain any scheme code. This causes other packages to fail to install. Namely:
<br><br>classic-java<br>environment<br>geocoder<br>io<br>java<br>zip<br><br>There a few other failures that are not as easily explained (by me anyway). More details at:<br><br><a href="http://rivendell.ws/planet-stats/">http://rivendell.ws/planet-stats/