<div>Looks very interesting. My planet test failed though. I could not install sqlid on my Windows box: </div>
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<div>> planet -i oesterholt sqlid.plt 1 0 </div>
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<div> setup-plt: error loading installer: car: expects argument of type <pair>; given<br>()<br>setup-plt: Error during Early Install for sqlid (C:\Documents and Settings\pedro<br>\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\300\cache\oesterholt\sqlid.plt\1\0)
<br>setup-plt: setup-plt: error loading installer: car: expects argument of type <<br>pair>; given ()</div>
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<div>I am trying to run installation tests every time a new package is announced. Check:</div>
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<div><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.rivendell.ws/planet-stats" target="_blank">http://www.rivendell.ws/planet-stats</a> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>for the latest Windows results. I might be able to also test on MacOS. If anyone is interested in running Linux or FreeBSD tests I will be glad to share my scripts.</div>
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