<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">In some code I've been working on today, I have seen something curious: macros which work when used in the REPL/"at the top level"-- but which given an error message when used with in a module.<BR>
The full example is rather long, but complains:<BR>
compile: bad syntax; function application is not allowed, because no #%app syntax transformer is bound in: ...<BR>
In a rather stipped down version, I am still able to produce a (different) error when my stripped-down macro is used within a module vs. in the REPL (where the code works "fine"). This stripped down case is given below. When the define-struct/prop macro is used within a module, the error message given is:<BR>
module: identifier originates in a different module in: acc<BR>
Note two (commented-out) lines within the with-syntax used in the definition of "define-struct/prop" which create identifiers for the accessor and mutator functions in the context of stx. When these are un-commented, this stripped down example seems to work fine in both settings.<BR>
What causes such differences, and perhaps more to the point- any tips as to a possible cause for the first error message above (about a function application not allowed)?<BR>
; the main module --or top-level code. this is tested in v202<BR>
(module try mzscheme<BR>
(require "struct-prop.ss")<BR>
(define-struct/prop test (a b c)<BR>
((prop:writer write)))<BR>
mut ; or mutator (when the syntax for acc and mut is uncommented)<BR>
(provide struct:test make-test test?)<BR>
; "struct-prop.ss"<BR>
(module struct-prop mzscheme<BR>
(provide prop:writer<BR>
(define-values (prop:writer writer? writer-ref) (make-struct-type-property 'writer))<BR>
(define-syntax (define-struct/prop stx)<BR>
(syntax-case stx ()<BR>
((_ name (field ...) ((prop-name value) ...))<BR>
(identifier? (syntax name))<BR>
(with-syntax ((num-fields (length (syntax->list (syntax (field ...)))))<BR>
(struct-desc <BR>
(datum->syntax-object (syntax name)<BR>
(string->symbol <BR>
(string-append "struct:" (symbol->string <BR>
(syntax-object->datum (syntax name)))))<BR>
(syntax name) #f))<BR>
(cstr-name (datum->syntax-object (syntax name)<BR>
(string->symbol <BR>
(string-append "make-" (symbol->string <BR>
(syntax-object->datum (syntax name)))))<BR>
(syntax name) #f))<BR>
(pred-name (datum->syntax-object (syntax name)<BR>
(string->symbol <BR>
(string-append (symbol->string <BR>
(syntax-object->datum (syntax name))) "?"))<BR>
(syntax name) #f))<BR>
; *** NOTE: with these two lines uncommented, this macro<BR>
; *** behaves the same both within and outside a module<BR>
;(acc (datum->syntax-object stx 'accessor))<BR>
;(mut (datum->syntax-object stx 'mutator))<BR>
(syntax <BR>
(define-values (struct-desc<BR>
(make-struct-type 'name #f num-fields 0 #f (list (cons prop-name value) ...))))))))<BR>