[racket] run big-bang universe server on headless server?
I'd imagine running it under Xvfb would be worth a try:
I know I've used that to be able to run gracket-text stuff on my Linux VPS before. Don't know if there's anything in universe that would pose an obstacle, however.
On Feb 27, 2015, at 4:18 PM, Stephen Chang <stchang at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>> It shows state windows and debugging windows only when you specify appropriate clauses in its description.
> They seem to appear by default and I don't see anywhere to disable them?
> But, it pulls in a shared library from 'world' that relies on
> racket/gui. So the answer is 'currently not possible but doable in
> principle'.
>> -- Matthias
>>> On Feb 27, 2015, at 6:12 PM, Stephen Chang wrote:
>>> Is there any way to run a big-bang universe server without the gui?
>>> Or more generally has anyone figured out how to run a big-bang
>>> universe server on a headless server?
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