[racket] Global Learning XPRIZE -- and Racket?

From: Byron Davies (byrondavies at starshine.us)
Date: Thu Jan 29 03:34:21 EST 2015

The XPRIZE (http://xprize.org) began with a $10 million reward for the
first successful privately funded manned space flight.  When that achieved
its goal, XPRIZE created other rewards for monitoring ocean health, cheaply
performing blood analysis, landing a privately funded robot on the moon,
and developing a Star Trek-style Tricorder.

Last September, XPRIZE announced the Global Learning XPRIZE (
http://learning.xprixe.org).  The goal is, in a fixed period of time, to
create the best tablet app for teaching 7-10 year olds reading, writing,
and arithmetic, as judged by an 18-month field test. The total prize pool
is $15M.  Lots of discussion has been going on over at
http://forum.xprize.org, but nowhere has Racket come up in the conversation.

Based on:

   - the power and breadth of Racket
   - the excellent documentation and support provided by the Racket
   - the continuous improvement of Racket through research and
   - the interest of many in the Racket community in education
   - the exciting things I saw at RacketCon (including Jay McCarthy's game
   development system)
   - and my own successful experience developing a prototype software
   analysis system for a startup I'm involved with ...

I think that Racket could be a very competitive underlying platform for an
entry in the Learning XPRIZE competition.  Please let me know if you would
be interested in exploring this possibility.

Byron Davies, Ph.D mailto:byrondavies at starshine.us
Chief Learner and Director of K-12 Innovation
StarShine Academy (Phoenix; Santa Fe; Wau, South Sudan; and Puerto Peñasco,

[When you go to the XPRIZE site, you'll find that the winning entry must be
delivered on an Android tablet. Racket doesn't run on Android, but I have
already started a porting project.  If anyone would like to help with that
particular project -- and be able to fun Racket on your phone -- let me
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