[racket] Encoding problem when using smtp-send-message send email to evernote

From: fyooo (fyooo at foxmail.com)
Date: Thu Jan 29 03:28:10 EST 2015

hi, all

I have an encoding problem when using smtp-send-message send email to evernote.‍

My code is:

#lang racket

(provide (all-defined-out))

(require net/dns)
(require net/head)
(require net/smtp)
(require openssl/mzssl)

(require "options.rkt")

(define (send-evernote entitle encontent)
   (dns-get-address (dns-find-nameserver) "smtp.qq.com")
   "fyooo at foxmail.com"
   (list EVERMAIL)
    "Pentester <fyooo at foxmail.com>"
    (list (string-append "fyooo <" EVERMAIL ">"))
    '() ; CC
    '() ; BCC
   (list encontent)
   #:port-no 465
   #:auth-user "fyooo"
   #:auth-passwd E136PAS
   #:tcp-connect ssl-connect))‍

The `EVERMAIL` and `E136PAS ‍` above is import from my config file "options.rkt".

EVERMAIL is my private evernote mail like `xxxx.yyyy at m.evernote.com‍`, I use it to create new note from email.

When I use this function as

(send-evernote  "中文标题" "中文内容")‍

The title of evernote would be `ä¸ææ é¢`, which is in wrong format.

But the content would be  "中文内容", which is ok.‍‍

I've try to using my web mail to send a Chinese email to my private Evernote mail, the format is ok too.

I don't know what's going on here.
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