[racket] Sandbox evaluation problem - files with comment boxes

From: Nadeem Abdul Hamid (nadeem at acm.org)
Date: Sun Jan 25 22:35:18 EST 2015

I'm trying to create a simple sandbox evaluator (to load in programs in
*SL). I have the following code:

#lang racket
(require racket/sandbox)
(define E
  (parameterize ([sandbox-path-permissions
                  '([write "/var/folders"]
                    [exists "/"]
                    [read "/"])]
    (make-module-evaluator (string->path "test-file.rkt"))))

This works fine as long as test-file.rkt does *not* contain a comment box.
If the file contains a comment box, then the following error occurs:

dynamic-require: unknown module
  module name: #<resolved-module-path:"/Applications/Racket

I thought maybe parameterizing sandbox-namespace-specs with 'framework
might do something:

(require racket/sandbox racket/gui)
(define E
  (parameterize ([sandbox-path-permissions
                  '([write "/var/folders"]
                    [exists "/"]
                    [read "/"])]
                  (list make-gui-namespace 'framework)]
    (make-module-evaluator (string->path "lab01-insulin.rkt"))))

But it results in:
   namespace-attach-module: a different instance of the same module is
already in the destination namespace
  module name: "/Applications/Racket

Any suggestions?


--- nadeem
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