[racket] Typed Racket frustration

From: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (samth at cs.indiana.edu)
Date: Sat Jan 24 12:27:33 EST 2015

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
> Of course, developer time is limited, so I'm always reluctant to post
> comments amounting to "it would be nice if someone else did such-and-such
> for me ..." In this case I simply don't have the experience with TR to know
> where the major breaks with idiomatic Racket occur.
> But user time is limited too. In my case, I'm trying to decide whether TR is
> a cost-effective upgrade for my Racket program. What I can't figure out is
> whether `hash` is an outlier, or the tip of the iceberg, because today, I'm
> a complete idiot about TR.

For this issue, Alex just submitted a patch, so it will be fixed soon.

In general, TR doesn't work well with functions like `hash` that take
their arguments in pairs or triples, and thus they end up having
simpler types than the full Racket behavior.


> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Matthew Butterick <mb at mbtype.com> wrote:
>> Of course, developer time is limited, so I'm always reluctant to post
>> comments amounting to "it would be nice if someone else did such-and-such
>> for me ..." In this case I simply don't have the experience with TR to know
>> where the major breaks with idiomatic Racket occur.
>> But user time is limited too. In my case, I'm trying to decide whether TR
>> is a cost-effective upgrade for my Racket program. What I can't figure out
>> is whether `hash
>> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Robby Findler
>> <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>>> It seems like a small step to start by documenting the ones that
>>> people trip up against multiple times in our mailing lists.
>>> Robby
>>> On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Matthias Felleisen
>>> <matthias at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On Jan 24, 2015, at 1:43 AM, Matthew Butterick wrote:
>>> >
>>> > FWIW, Sam's point that one can't expect every untyped program to work
>>> > without modification is entirely fair.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Correct.
>>> >
>>> > But Konrad's point is also fair: if a function like `append` or `hash`
>>> > works
>>> > differently in TR, then it is, for practical purposes, not the same
>>> > function, even if it relies on the same code.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > This statement is too coarse. There are at least two senses in which a
>>> > TR
>>> > function f is distinct from an R function:
>>> >
>>> > 1. f's type restricts the usability of f to a strict "subset" [in the
>>> > naive
>>> > set-theoretic sense]. This is most likely due to a weakness of the type
>>> > system; the language of "theorems" isn't strong enough to express R's
>>> > intention w/o making the inference rules unsound. [Unlike in the legal
>>> > world, In PL arguments of 'typedness' must be about truly-guilty or
>>> > not-guilty. The rulings are completely impartial and uniform, i.e.,
>>> > totally
>>> > fair.]
>>> >
>>> > 2. f's type ___changes___ the meaning of the code. (That's also
>>> > possible but
>>> > I don't want to fan the argument that Sam and I have about this.)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > If it would be superfluous to repeat every TR function in the
>>> > documentation,
>>> > it still could be valuable to document some of the major departures
>>> > from
>>> > Racket. I mean, I would read that, for sure ;)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Actually it would not be superfluous. We just don't have the manpower
>>> > but
>>> > perhaps it's time to tackle this problem (perhaps in a semi-automated
>>> > manner).
>>> >
>>> > -- Matthias
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ____________________
>>> >   Racket Users list:
>>> >   http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
>>> >
> ____________________
>   Racket Users list:
>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/users

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