[racket] About rendering to PDF under Scribble but from DrRacket IDE

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 21 09:24:03 EST 2015

On Jan 19, 2015, at 9:00 PM, E Comer <kernel at matikai.com> wrote:

> Hi friends:
> Could someone share a basic example of how to render to PDF a document under Scribble, but not using the command line, but from a program under DrRacket IDE?
> Thank you very much in advance for your support, and congratulations to the Scribble designers: its really a great environment to work with.

This is how I run a draft or a release version of HtDP/2e: 

#! /bin/sh
exec /Users/matthias/plt/racket/bin/racket -tm "$0" ${1+"$@"}
#lang racket/gui

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; runs scribble and opens preview for section, draft, release

  ;; String -> Void
  ;; ./xhtml [release | draft | file[.scrbl]]
  ;; renders the stable version of HtDP2e, its draft version, or just the specified part or chapter 
  ;; when a plain file name f is given, xhtml looks for f.scrbl 

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(require net/sendurl scribble/render scribble/html-render scribble/xref setup/xref)

(define (main arg)
    [(string=? "release" arg)
     (process-whole "HtDP2e" "/Users/matthias/0Unison/0Web/" #f)]
    [(string=? "draft" arg)
     (when (file-exists? "Draft.scrbl") (delete-file "Draft.scrbl"))
     (copy-file "HtDP2e.scrbl" "Draft.scrbl")
     (process-whole "Draft" "/Users/matthias/0Unison/0Web/HtDP2e" #t)]
    [(file-exists? arg)
     (define match (regexp-match "(.*)\\.scrbl" arg))
     (if match
	 (process (second match))
	 (error 'xhtml "not a scribble file: ~a" arg))]
     (define stem.scrbl (string-append arg ".scrbl"))
     (if (file-exists? stem.scrbl)
	 (process arg)
	 (error 'xhtml "no such file: ~a" stem.scrbl))]))

;; String String Boolean -> Void
;; create a renderer and a path for the documentation, then scribble the desired document 
(define (process-whole stem destination draft?)
  (define renderer (compose render-multi-mixin render-mixin))
  (define redirect (if draft?
		       "http://plt.eecs.northwestern.edu/snapshots/current/doc/" ; 
		       ; http://pre.racket-lang.org/docs/html/"
  (scribble-it stem destination draft? redirect renderer))

;; String -> Void
;; create a destination directory, then scribble the desired document 
(define (process stem)
  (define destination (string-append "HTML/" stem))
  (unless (directory-exists? destination) (make-directory destination))
  (scribble-it stem destination #f #f))

;; String String Boolean [Maybe String] { [Class -> Class] } -> Void 
;; render stem.scrbl in destination/stem.html, using the redirect? url as source of documentation
;; initialize the is-draft parameter in shared.ss with the draft? flag 
;; use renderer, which implements render<%>, to scribble
;; open browser on stem.html 
(define (scribble-it stem destination draft? redirect? (renderer render-mixin))
  (define stem.scrbl (string-append stem ".scrbl"))
  (define stem.html  (string-append stem ".html"))
  (displayln `(rendering ,stem.scrbl draft: ,draft?))
  ((dynamic-require "Shared/shared.rkt" 'is-draft?) draft?)
  (define stem.doc (dynamic-require stem.scrbl 'doc))
  (render (list stem.doc) (list stem)
          #:render-mixin renderer
	  #:dest-dir destination
	  #:xrefs (list (load-collections-xref))
          #:quiet? #false
	  #:redirect-main redirect?)
  (displayln `(done rendering))
  ;; ---
  (parameterize ([current-directory destination])
    (displayln `(cleaning up ,stem))
    (displayln `(opening browser at ,destination ,stem.html))
    (send-url/file (if (file-exists? stem.html) stem.html (build-path stem "index.html")))))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; the code below used to be a standalone script 

;; -> Void 
(define (cleanup)

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