[racket] trace: set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier - alright .. how do you do this?
So to trace calls to the interface functions of a library I am to write a
gasket for the library. I may as well put a display of the args in the
gasket functions as at this point it is the same amount of code as hooking
the trace. Of course then I have implemented trace.
So to use trace in racket all you have to do is implement trace ..
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:06 PM, J. Ian Johnson <ianj at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Yes, racket 101 (305?) is that identifiers can only be set!'d in their
> defining module. This is to allow necessary optimizations such as inlining.
> If you want to trace `f` from a different module. you can `(define (g .
> args) (apply f args)) (trace g)`, use `g` wherever you use `f`. You won't
> get any calls the library makes internally, but if you're just tracing for
> your own code, you'll be golden.
> -Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Lynch" <thomas.lynch at reasoningtechnology.com>
> To: "users" <users at racket-lang.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 8:59:55 AM
> Subject: [racket] trace: set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier -
> alright .. how do you do this?
> Saw this in another thread here, but the proposed solution didnt work,
> well at least the way I understood it. So ..
> In file db-lib.rkt I have a definition:
> (provide db-exec)
> (define (db-exec a) ...)
> Then in racket
> > (enter! "db-user.rkt")
> Where db-citation.rkt has
> (require "db-lib.rkt")
> Now at the read-eval-print prompt I try
> (enter! "db-citation.rkt")
> And when I do (trace db-exec) I get the cannot mutate error. (Surely this
> must be a racket 101 type problem.) So I try to include the module at the
> current scope..
> racket at db-citation.rkt> (require "db-lib.rkt")
> racket at db-citation.rkt> (require racket/trace)
> racket at db-citation.rkt> (trace db-exec)
> racket at db-citation.rkt> stdin::1130: set!: cannot mutate module-required
> identifier in: db-exec
> ok, so that doesn't work, so I start over again. This time after reading
> the thread on this list
> From: Vincent St-Amour (stamourv at ccs.neu.edu )
> Date: Mon Oct 10 13:49:46 EDT 2011
> which concludes by saying 'put the trace in your program that should
> work', so I add this to "db-citation.rkt"
> (require racket/trace)
> (trace db-exec)
> And then at the prompt I get the following:
> Welcome to Racket v5.2.1.
> racket@> (enter! "db-citation.rkt")
> db-citation.rkt:26:11: set!: cannot mutate module-required identifier in:
> db-exec
> Alright, so what is the magic incantation here that allows one to
> debug/trace calls in included modules?
> Thanks!
> Thomas
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