[racket] racket/gui : How to properly code a two window system ?

From: mazert (romain at elgeekador.net)
Date: Sat Jan 17 08:15:39 EST 2015


I have two files :
	* List-item.rkt : Display through a list-box% some items
	* add item.rkt : Display a form to add an item

add-item window has different text-field% and a button% (label "ok")
that create a new item stored in a variable foo and (send add-item show #f)

In the main window (list-item), I have a button% (label "Add"), and in
the (callback) i would like to say something like :

(send add-item show #t)
; while add-item frame show equal #t, pause.
(send list-item add foo) ; just for example to simplify.

I dont think it's a good algo to perform that. My question is about :
how to send data created by add-item.rkt to List-item.rkt in the
callback from the "add" button.

Thanks in advance.

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