[racket] passing flvectors to/from C function
I have just found that it crashes because I forgot to pass
vector length to malloc.
(define (allocate-cvector len)
(cast (malloc len _double 'atomic-interior)
(_cvector o _double len))))
After the fix, crashes are gone.
I am still not sure that my code is not overcomplicated, though.
Best regards,
Dmitry Pavlov
On 01/14/2015 01:06 AM, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to pass flvectors to/from C library as "double *" arrays.
> Due to the absence of _flvector custom function type in Racket FFI,
> and took the challenge of writing one myself.
> Below is what I just came up with.
> (define (allocate-cvector len)
> (cast (malloc _double 'atomic-interior)
> _pointer
> (_gcable
> (_cvector o _double len))))
> (define (flvector->cvector/immobile flvec)
> (let* ((len (flvector-length flvec))
> (cvec (allocate-cvector len)))
> (for ((i (in-range len)))
> (cvector-set! cvec i (flvector-ref flvec i)))
> cvec))
> (define (cvector->flvector ptr len)
> (let* ((result (make-flvector len)))
> (for ((i (in-range 0 len)))
> (flvector-set! result i (cvector-ref ptr i)))
> result))
> (define-fun-syntax _flvector
> (syntax-rules (i o io)
> [(_ i) (type: _cvector
> pre: (x => (flvector->cvector/immobile x)))]
> [(_ o n) (type: _cvector
> pre: (allocate-cvector n)
> post: (x => (cvector->flvector x n)))]
> [(_ io) (type: _cvector
> bind: tmp
> pre: (x => (flvector->cvector/immobile x))
> post: (x => (cvector->flvector x (flvector-length tmp))))]
> ))
> Are there any dangerous places in my code? I ask because calling
> a number of times a function with just (_flvector i) arguments
> causes Racket to crash. I am wondering whether I overlooked
> something (which I usually do with the FFI), or I should look
> into C code.
> It would be nice to know if I am generally on the right track, too.
> I noticed the flvector->cpointer transformation in Racket, but
> then I went all "oh I can not do that because what if Racket's GC
> moves my flvector while the C function is operating with the cpointer"
> and decided not to use it.
> Best regards,
> Dmitry