[racket] are there docs on the use of MS SQL Server without ODBC?

From: Hanson, Timothy (t.hanson at faz.de)
Date: Thu Jan 8 11:08:55 EST 2015


I'm a Racket hobbyist and have yet to use DB access in any form (under racket). I'd be very curious to try accessing MS SQL without using ODBC. Searching for "native SQL driver" got me here:

6.9.3 SQL Server ODBC Driver
Basic SQL Server support has been verified on Windows, but the automated test suite has not yet been adapted and run.
The "SQL Server" driver refuses to accept NUMERIC or DECIMAL parameters, producing the error "Invalid precision value (SQLSTATE: HY104)." If possible, use the "Native SQL Server" driver instead.

and I'd love to follow up on that suggestion but was hoping to find slightly more details. Is there a good source of wisdom I'm missing?


Tim Hanson
Entwickler, Portalbetrieb, FEM-Technik
F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH

Hellerhofstraße 2-4 | 60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon +49 69 7591-2858 | Fax +49 69 7591-802858
E-Mail: t.hanson at faz.de<mailto:t.hanson at faz.de>
Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, HRB 30912
Geschäftsführer Thomas Schultz-Homberg

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